Keep Your Landscape Properly Hydrated With an Irrigation System in the Henrico and Moseley, VA Area

Keep Your Landscape Properly Hydrated With an Irrigation System in the Henrico and Moseley, VA Area

A landscape with proper irrigation in Henrico and Moseley, VA can be a lush foundation for summertime fun. With so many different maintenance needs between a lawn, trees, flowers, and other plantings, it can be challenging to keep track of how much to water and when. An irrigation system can streamline the watering process and take much of the guesswork away. Whether you’re updating your existing irrigation system or installing a new one, keeping your greenery happy may have just gotten easier.

Related: A Quick Look at the Essential Role of Irrigation in Landscape Design Plans in the Henrico, VA Area

Why Do I Need an Irrigation System?

If you’re currently watering by hand, or relying on our weather to give your plants the water they need, you may have a severely under-watered landscape with unhappy plants. Plants become accustomed to the watering schedule they’re on, so if you skip a day or water later than usual, you may notice dry patches on your lawn or droopy flowers. Creating a system that works for you and your plants can be accomplished by installing an irrigation system. With the ability to situate the system exactly where you need it, you can stop hoping the garden hose is long enough to make it to the back corners of your lawn. An irrigation system can ensure all of your plants are receiving the water they need and, with the inclusion of a smart system, that they are receiving the correct amount of water regardless of the weather.

Services and Maintenance

An existing irrigation system can benefit from a variety of different services and maintenance types. In order for an irrigation system to be effective and efficient, it’s important that pipes and sprinkler heads are void of cracks and leaks. Utilizing seasonal maintenance can help ensure that your system is in great working condition at the beginning and end of the watering season. 

At the beginning of the season, start-up maintenance is an option to ensure your system is in working order. This service can evaluate if there are any cracks or leaks throughout your system that could unknowingly be leaking water, resulting in wasting water and even harming plants with overwatering. Winterizing your system can help keep it safe through drops in temperature when not in use. Draining the system, when not in use, can help to prevent water from expanding in the pipes and causing them to crack. 

Looking to refresh your landscape design with new features but have irrigation system pipes in the way? A rerouting service can help move the pipes to accommodate your next fun outdoor addition.

Smart System

Spending more time trying to remember to water than actually watering the plants can be a frustrating reality for some homeowners. Setting reminders to water, leaving yourself notes, or trusting a housesitter to remember when you are out of town may leave your greenery thirsty for more. Installing an irrigation system that is smart can help take much of the guesswork out of watering. You can set schedules for your system that water different amounts in different zones. The smart systems are also Wi-Fi enabled, meaning you can turn them on and off at the push of a button when traveling. Even better, a smart system can include a rain gauge and other weather tracking systems that can help create an ideal watering schedule. By measuring the amount of rain received, the temperature, and any wind, the system can generate a watering schedule that prevents your plants from drowning after a storm or drying out during a heat wave. 

Related: Always Lush and Green: A Healthy Landscape Is Achievable With a Professionally Installed Irrigation System in the Midlothian and Moseley, VA Areas

With one lawn mower and a lot of determination, Josh Goff started Commonwealth Curb Appeal in 2004 as a way to make a living while spending time in the great outdoors.

In 2007, he traded the lawn mower for masonry and carpentry skills and began building outdoor living spaces. By 2015, he was named among the Top 40 Under 40. Over the years, the company has grown into the full-service landscape design and build firm it is today. 


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